paint hero

Brick Fireplace Painting – Costs and Options

A lot of guys think they know “the rules” about remodeling–things like never painting a window shut, never mixing oil and latex, and never painting brick. These Weekend Warriors are great around the house when you need to put up a shelf or fix a banister, but how much does Mr. Fix-It really know about updating ugly brick fireplace?

When you are remodeling an outdated living area, both of you want to do things right. You might agree about everything that needs to be done from the ceiling to the wall to the floor. And you both know that unless you do something about that ugly fireplace, it’s going to stick out like a sore thumb.

But what’s the right thing to do?

Fireplace remodeling experts know the routine by heart–women who want to remodel an ugly fireplace, husbands who won’t let them paint brick. Is there really a “right way” and a “wrong way” in this situation?

The reality is that ugly brick is not going to go away or improve with time. Tearing a brick fireplace out and completely replacing it will give you great results, but the downsides are considerable: lots of time and lots of money.


Replacing or Painting Old Brick Fireplace


The good news is that painting a brick fireplace is an increasing popular alternative to replacement. Painting the bricks is a quick and easy method to update and enhance the appearance of your existing fireplace. You can achieve pretty good results with two coats of paint from your local hardware or home improvement store—a clean, solid look that matches your décor.

If you prefer the look of a brick fireplace, you may want to consider an all-in-one fireplace paint kit. You can even get one that gives your fireplace the appearance of real brick. Advantages of Choosing Fireplace Paint:

  • Turnkey Solution. Gives you all the tools, paint, and even video instructions you need to remodel an ugly fireplace yourself in one weekend.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed.  Satisfied customers share their feedback about the fireplace paint, offered by Brick Anew. See all testimonials and before & after photos of pained brick fireplace.
  • Return on Investment. A custom-painted fireplace can give you a 200% ROI or more.
  • Covers an Existing Paint Job. If your fireplace has already been painted, the paint kit is a simple way to update or improve an existing paint job.
  • Almost Nothing to Lose. If you are unhappy with the fireplace once you paint it, you can still go ahead and call a contractor to tear it out.

Old Fireplace Renovation – Options and Costs

The following chart breaks down your options and the relative cost, merits, and drawbacks of a typical fireplace remodeling project::






Do nothing.


It’s easy to do nothing.

That old fireplace is still going to look as ugly as it does now.

Paint the fireplace with hardware store paint


Remodeled fireplace in your choice of color.

Doesn’t look like brick. Hard to remove.

Paint the fireplace with an all-in-one kit like Brick-anew.


Remodeled fireplace with the look of real brick.

Hard to remove.

Demolish and rebuild the fireplace.

Remodeled fireplace with the look of real brick

Totally new fireplace built to your specifications.

Expensive, messy, puts you at the mercy of a contractor.


Before you decide on which remodeling solution is right for you, be sure you have all the facts. If you like the existing bricks in your fireplace, painting them isn’t right for you. But if those old, ugly bricks are getting you down, painting can revitalize your fireplace. And if you are considering taking the whole fireplace out and replacing it, painting the bricks might be a cheap alternative that gives you the look you want.